What Are You Reading?

Well-being Wednesday: what are you reading?

Books bring me comfort – I am curious about life and an insatiable reader (I am usually reading several books at a time). Typical topics of interest – spirituality, feminism, social justice and intersectionality, and sex (in particular sexuality and how harmful social normatives are learned). The last one is particularly pressing, as sexism and racism are intricately linked when we consider things such as privilege, who is “standard” , “template”, “normal” that we are all judged against (ie white, cis gender, heterosexual, male) and how we define appropriate, gendered behavior for and from that template. Ideas around masculinity, gender, sex, impact us all, even our pre-sexual-debut children. To be clear, sexual health and wellness are integral to human well-being (see the World Health Organization’s definition of sexual health), but these are challenging to discuss because of how (supposedly) taboo the topic is. Even healthcare practitioners avoid conversations around sexual health and well-being, leaving gaps in care and a less-than-well population. I, for one, am a fan of ‘impolite’ conversation – it is here that the nexus of so much of our baggage, personal and cultural, can be found. There is power in having the tough conversations and reclaiming what is “off-limits”.

That being the case, I have some recent books that I highly recommend concerning sex, gender, and sexuality: Shameless by Nadia Bolz-Weber, Girls & Sex by Peggy Orenstein, Boys & Sex by Peggy Orenstein, Rebel Love: Break the Rules, Destroy Toxic Habits, and Have the Best Sex of Your Life by Chris Donaghue, and Kate Bornstein’s Gender Outlaw and the companion book – My New Gender Workbook.

Have you read these? What did you think? See my summary of the books here: https://ignitewell-being.com/books-on-gender-and-sexual-wellness/

Happy reading and happy hump day, wilds. Thanks for your hard work and contemplation as we build a more just and loving society ❤


#unpackthetaboo #endthesilence #bodylove #knowedgeispower #holywork #rewilding #holistichealthcare #endbodyshame #normalisnotthegoal #rebellove #shameless #wellbeingwednesday #happyhumpday




Written by Dr. Allison Mitch, PT (DPT); copyright protected, please cite accordingly.  Originally posted to social media on 6/24/20.    Image is mine.

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