Exercise and Diet for a Lifetime of Sexual Wellness

Fitness Friday: Exercise and diet for a lifetime of sexual wellness.

Yes, you read that correctly – diet and exercise can influence your sex life. How?, many reasons but a big one is cardiovascular health. The genitals: their erectile tissue as well as the nerves that supply them and support sensation, including orgasm, are influenced by healthy blood flow. In fact, erectile dysfunction can be an indicator of cardiovascular issues brewing, like high blood pressure (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/in-depth/high-blood-pressure-and-sex/art-20044209).

What does a sexuality protective diet look like? These align with the heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory diets like the Mediterranean diet (ex. see https://sexualityresources.com/sites/default/files/documents/GoodSexDiet.pdf by A Woman’s Touch and Sex with Dr. Jess’ podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sex-with-dr-jess/id1166227345?i=1000497566806 )

Exercise is considered a vital sign, it is that critical to your health. Like diet, exercise can support sexual wellness through improved cardiovascular health (ex blood flow to pelvic floor tissues), improved posture/mobility/strength, joint health, chronic disease and pain management. Pick movements that fit your body, your abilities, and your lifestyle. #movementmedicine Sexual activity tolerance generally aligns with being able to climb 2 flights of stairs (ex see https://www.foxnews.com/health/2-flights-of-stairs-a-day-the-heart-healthy-prescription-for-sex and Naked At Our Age https://bookshop.org/lists/sexuality-gender-health-wellness though 2 flights of stairs is specific to certain abilities and not true for all, please discuss with your trusted healthcare provider).

As a physical therapist and yoga instructor with my own small business, I primarily see clients for fitness/wellness/prevention, which includes exercise motivation. Maybe activity to lose weight doesn’t interest you (nor does it interest me #allbodiesaregoodbodies, #healthateverysize), but exercise to support #sexytime does? I had one client that requested yoga postures and flow to support sexual health and ability to tolerate positioning – whatever keeps you engaged in your goals and keeps you moving. (Motivational interviewing can help us isolate and fine tune your motivation and goals).

How does your exercise and diet support your sexual wellness? For some, it might be that these tools open the door for you to accept and appreciate, even love, the body you have. And this has got to be one of my favorite professional goals for my clients. 💜

Wishing you a fit, happy, and sexy Friday 💘 #sexercise #SexualWellness #SexualityCpunselorTraining #FitnessFriday #YogaForAllBodies #NewYogaGoals #AASECT #sexualhealthalliance



Written by Dr. Allison Mitch, copyright protected, please cite accordingly.  Originally posted to social media on 11/13/20.    Image is mine.

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