Computer Workstation Ergonomics

📚Well-being Wednesday: computer workstations ergonomics.

📚Last week, my children began elearning. I was busy managing the to-dos, learning the new expectations of them, and creating a new normal, that even as a PT, I forgot to watch their posture more closely. I was in #parentingduringcovid mode and not ‘professional mode’. By Friday, my daughter told me her neck and shoulders hurt from sitting most of the day for elearning (we are an active family and before this, were biking over 40 miles a week on average, hiking, rollerblading, taking family tae kwon do and capoeira lessons – all that came to a halt. And she was sore from sitting – let that sink in).

📚Computer workstation #ergonomics is critical for not only adults, but children as well, even more now that they are in front of screens most of the learning day. Improper posture can create #musculoskeletalpain, #fatigue from maintaining #faultyposture, impair focus for learning, and even lead to maintained postural abnormalities (ex thoracic kyphosis and forward head posture) outside of sitting at a desk.

📚OSHA has an etool for workplace set up (here ) and you can read more about ergonomics here . Things like head/neck/shoulder alignment can be modified by screen height and chair height, and shoulder and wrist pain can be prevented with appropriate desk height and tool alignment. Even if ideal work space set up can be achieved (and especially if it can’t), #microbreaks are a must. These allow the body to correct posture, distribute loads differently, and the tissue to rest. Plus, sedentary behavior is not ideal for your health (outside of critical and necessary rest) – . Children need movement for their learning (see  and ) #getmoving

📚 How has your family adapted to learning during Covid? Wishing you all well as we adapt to new normals and find what best suits our families. Want to learn more about ergonomics? Many physical therapists can help, myself included.

#physicaltherapy #movementmedicine (📸 from pexels)



Written by Dr. Allison Mitch, copyright protected, please cite accordingly.  Originally posted to social media on 9/9/20.    Image is from Pexels.  Interested in working with me?, email me at [email protected]

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