Dismantling the bias of mindfulness – Diana’s story

The way that mindfulness is represented in the media seems very inaccessible if you’re not an able bodied white woman with leggings. I think this is where courage, bravery and a sense of shared responsibility are going to come into play if a larger audience is to be reached. It’s going to take courage for teachers to venture out into less comfortable places like prisons, diverse neighborhoods, hospitals, rehabilitation centers and etc.    It is going to take the brave soul to venture outside their cultural norms and explore different ways of being and it is going to take the creative journalist/writer to craft a compelling story that tells the reality of mindfulness’ accessibility outside of its current status quo.


I can write about the bravery that is required from the individual soul. Coming from a family and culture where we were taught a collective type of well-being. Bringing our awareness closer to ourselves is deemed selfish and even downright demonic. I’ve had to withhold giggles as holy water was sprinkled on me during one of my meditation sessions because it was believed that I was a satan worshiper. So I guess the holy water was to cleanse me of any demons. Had to remind my ego to stop trying to defend itself against an ambush of criticism. Fortunately, a little bit of education came to my rescues at these silly times.


As a differently abled woman, people seem to lower a bar that I never asked nor want to be lowered. There is a mold out there that makes it more comfortable for society to fit us in with our wheelchairs. When others come around a person that is so aware of themselves and also drives around in a wheelchair. Well she doesn’t fit into any comfortable categories so she/I are dismissed as backward and outcasted outside this society. There exists those of us who don’t wear the yoga legging but do practice, swimming against the current because our hearts urge us to go on and as *Nietzsche* said or was it Rilke? “ when man has a WHY he will endure any HOW. “


Diana with a turtle friend that visited her yard



Words are by Diana Carranza and copyright protected, please cite accordingly.  Diana is a client and friend of Allison’s; Diana was asked for her opinion of Allison’s piece about mindfulness (link below) and had a lot to say.  I (Allison) am honored to share her words and wisdom and Work.

For correspondence, please email Dr. Allison Mitch at [email protected] For the information about mindfulness, see https://ignitewell-being.com/what-is-mindfulness/


About the author (in Diana’s words): Diana Carranza is just another human being with a story to tell. At the age of 29, she sustained what doctors have labeled as a stroke, losing her mobility and speech. In the midst of all of this she found her writing voice. She holds the belief that this journey to healing is much too grand to fit into a simple label. Diana shares her story with our associated website here: http://getwokecoven.com/the-growth-of-wings/ 


Mine picture is from Pexels.  Picture in text is Diana’s, of Diana. Please do not reproduce the image without permission.