Working in Sexual Wellness

While working in sexual wellness might seem…, it can also be bad for business. Posting about sexuality, offering educational workshops, advertising my sexuality counseling services – all or any of these can be triggering or challenging for folks, especially those that have internalized messaging about sexuality as being taboo or inappropriate.
After I switched my business focus to sexual well-being, in part because of my interest, in part because of specific needs of clients, and in part to fast track a specific certification, I have lost followers and community members. My social media reach has narrowed as algorithms ding me for my content. I have lost money, from this loss of reach and community members and from the extensive trainings and self-education. And the “cost” of being a sexual wellness provider is energetically expensive as well – to advocate for a profession and an aspect of wellbeing that is underappreciated or even derided, to manage my emotions when processing a loss of community (ie trying hard not to take it personally) and having my work misunderstood or not valued, by those that haven’t worked with me directly.
I love this work and advocate for this work r, but I don’t necessarily recommend the training for many professionals (sorry to all the sexuality training programs out there) as there are lots of unanticipated costs and small-business entrepreneurs such as myself likely have less wiggle room to take on those costs.
For those that have worked with me one on one or in community – I am in such gratitude for your bravery. To stick with me when I speak to and work in areas that might challenge your comfort. To know that something is off in your lived experience and to seek assistance, rather than perpetuate a situation that is out of alignment with your sense of sexuality and needs and/or desires. Creating an affirming sexual ethic and community is on all of us and trusting me and receiving my work here means so very much.
Thank you, community and clients, for being here.

The above content is written by Dr. Allison Mitch, PT (DPT), RYT500; sex-positive/affirming, trauma-informed sexuality counselor and educator (she/her/they/them); copyright protected, please cite accordingly. The graphic is mine.

For more offerings that support sexual well-being, please see: For more information on my offerings or to work with me directly, please email or schedule with me via Calendly