Nutritional Well-being

The Role Of The Physical Therapist And Dietary Information

  • Because of its significance, nutritional wellness is a pillar of health. Food and hydration can impact a client’s physical performance, fatigue, mental health, tissue healing, pain, even autoimmune conditions.
  • Dietary screening and basic recommendations are within the scope of practice of a physical therapist and personal trainer (such as myself), though specifics may vary by state. While I cannot give specific dietary recommendations for people with specific conditions (like type 2 diabetes; see a dietician), I can offer general, evidence-based recommendations utilizing reputable sources and my additional trainings (such as through CHEK, herbalism, and wild edibles) to assist with overall well-being. I screen all of my clients for a nutrient-dense, well-hydrated diet and assist them with considering modifications for their unique goals.
  • If you are unable to work with me as a client, secondary to timing, finances etc, but would like a few starting points to research your own nutritional well-being, please see below.

Recommended Resources:

CHEK Institute Holistic Lifestyle Coaches and Practitioners, educated in nutrition and movement:  (I am a CHEK practitioner)

Harvard Healthy Plate 

  • The Harvard Healthy Plate is evidence-based and not influenced by bias from food industry lobbyists.

Health at Every Size (concepts include intuitive eating): Many resources are available, but I like this link because of the suggested resources at the end: 

Mark Hyman, MD 

-Dr. Joe Tatta, PT (DPT):  A physical therapist that regularly discusses the dietary impacts on health and wellness. See his podcast.

Nutrition Advocacy: 

  • Provides information on state law and the scope of practice of various healing professions in terms of dietary health, some of which might surprise you

Terry Wahls, MD (created a diet that has helped some with autoimmune disorders):

  • Also see similar dietary topics such as the Autoimmune Protocol, ex:  
  • Please note that though some might view “clean eating” concepts as harmful via promoting disordered eating or privileged by access and availability, for others it is legitimate and necessary disease management

Weston A. Price Foundation 

Local (Chicago-ish) Resources:

The Resiliency Institute (TRI), teaches classes on permaculture and wild edibles:

Loveren Collections, establishing local healing gardens and leads foraging (and feasting) workshops:

-Consider local farmers markets and CSAs for educational opportunities as well as whole, nutrient-dense food offerings

-Consider converting your grass lawns to gardens for food (both human and pollinators), see TRI and



The above content is written by Dr. Allison Mitch, PT (DPT), sexuality counselor and educator (in supervision); copyright protected, please cite accordingly.  The picture is from Pexels.  To work with me or for more information, please email


If you are interested in learning more about other forms of well-being and my current events, please see:


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*Please note that none of the above information is specific medical advice, but is meant as educational information only.  If you have concerns about your health, please contact a trusted healthcare professional*